Tuesday, February 19, 2013

You’re Safety On Acquittal Day

Trial is currently set for June 10.

Now let us fast forward to the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman. With 30 plus years in law enforcement and having gone to court many times, I predict that George Zimmerman will be acquitted for shooting Martin based on self-defense. Given all the violence after the police officer acquittals in the King beating trial, what do you think will happen in the streets of this country? I would suggest there is a measured level of legitimate pent-up anger in certain sectors of our society that will be enraged if Zimmerman walks free. I also think there will be many who will take advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate very bad behavior.

Read more at Ammoland.com: http://www.ammoland.com/2013/02/youre-safety-on-acquittal-day/#ixzz2LOkqNbDJ

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