Friday, July 5, 2024

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Thursday, July 7, 2022

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Monday, February 28, 2022

The Truth About the Ukraine-@KanekoaTheGreat

Way back in 2016, President Obama said Ukraine is simply not a core American interest that is worth killing and dying over. And the American people understand this. According to the AP, just 26% of Americans say the U.S. should play a major role in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Thanks to the stubbornness, arrogance, and incompetence of America’s discredited foreign policy “elite,” yet another entirely avoidable conflict has gone hot. A diplomatic solution with Russia might have involved something as simple as demilitarization in the Ukraine and a signed treaty promising Ukraine would never join NATO.
The Globalist American Empire and its European client states still have yet to sanction Russia’s critical oil and gas industries, lest Germany face a massive energy crisis, and energy prices go through the roof worldwide, which in and of itself could topple the Democrats in 2022 and the Biden regime in 2024. In a 2015 lecture, John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, described how NATO’s relentless expansion east, support for regime change in Ukraine via color revolution, and repeated decision to double down against Russian opposition had created an unnecessary Ukraine crisis. Belligerent neocons and neoliberals of American foreign policy have always been wrong. Again and again, interventionism has led America into avoidable and humiliating catastrophes.
It led to disaster in Vietnam, embarrassment in Iraq, and total national humiliation in Afghanistan. The War Party destroyed Syria and Libya as stable countries and turned them into hotbeds of chaos and terrorism, in return for absolutely nothing. Interventionists claim that America must fight to demonstrate its strength, yet nothing has depleted America’s strength more than the trillions of dollars wasted on wars that go nowhere. If America wants its role in the 21st century to stay on par with its role in the 20th, it cannot afford another Iraq-style error. And that means embracing competent realism rather than the unholy neoconservative/neoliberal alliance that has set US foreign policy for thirty years now. In other words, put America First.
Back in 2003, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney masterminded a war in Iraq that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden both voted for. The war was a total disaster, based on false premises, yet because American elites never face consequences for failure, nothing happened.
Come 2011, when Libya became unstable, Hillary Clinton egged on the war, and then luxuriated in the slaughter that followed. In 2014, this same unholy alliance cheered on a color revolution in Ukraine that predictably led Ukraine down a primrose path of destruction. Now, eight years into a disaster they created, these interventionists again want to set US policy, and they again want a position of maximum aggression that will prove useless for the people of Ukraine and suicidally self-destructive to the people of America. The American foreign policy elite is useless, depraved, and discredited. They deserve no power and no influence whatsoever. Ignore everything they say on Ukraine and support the right policy of putting America First.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

BLM/Antifa Activist charged in Jan 6 Riots

U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from a Utah man who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Prosecutors also have filed additional criminal charges against the man, John Earle Sullivan, a self-described political activist who is accused of entering the Capitol building and participating in the riot. Sullivan now faces a total of eight criminal counts, including weapons charges, related to the riot.

Sullivan portrayed himself as an independent journalist who was reporting on the chaos, but actually encouraged other participants. 

Sullivan sold that footage to several news outlets for a total of $90,000, according to a seizure warrant. The news outlets were redacted from the warrant.

According to media reports, Sullivan participated in Black Lives Matter protests last year. 

Link: U.S. seizes $90,000 from man who sold footage of U.S. Capitol riot

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Watchdog Goes After DOJ Records Of Investigation Into Muslim IT Spies & Congressional Democrats That Hired Them

Imran Awan was Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s top information technology aide. Most lawmakers fired Awan in February, but Wasserman Schultz kept him on until he was arrested in July, trying to board a flight for Pakistan.

DOJ refused to prosecute them for their spy ring and cybercrimes.

During the investigation, the House Democrat Caucus server vanished without a trace

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Muslim world reacts to Obama's Coast Guard Academy Speech

President Obama spoke at a Military Academy graduation our big threat was global warming. This is what the Egyptian media thought about the speech.

Friday, May 15, 2015

#FAF-First Amendment Friday or Insult Muhammad Day

The First Amendment protects the most outrageous and offensive speech (a certain  detestable church understands this  and was supported by the Supreme court who ironically got something right). Those that wish to curtail or shut down anyone's speech should be countered with louder more offensive speech ( Tactic used against that church) and in that spirit I  am launching First Amendment Friday and Insult muhammad day!!!

Please use the comment section to post your own pictures, insults, and comments to support the First Amendment and insult muhamad and those that deny your rights.