Wednesday, November 28, 2012

From a Constitutional to a Banana Republic

We didn’t so much choose socialism on November 6 as we chose banana republic tyranny, not by voting, but by failing to make a peep about this:

Obama lost in each and every US State where voter ID laws were in place …

In 59 Philadelphia precincts, Mitt Romney received no votes and Obama received 100% of the votes — or even higher. This fact, alone, should have raised red flags and set off all manner of bells, whistles and sirens. But, the Republican Establishment (aka Marxist-lite) has remained silent …

The military vote was almost totally suppressed in the November elections

People were openly reported to have voted twice — or more

Republican poll watchers in multiple states were either turned away and not allowed to enter the precincts or thrown out once they had done so

Voters in multiple voting booths across the country reported their votes for Romney were automatically changed to Obama

Votes for Romney/Ryan were either changed to Obama./Biden by poll workers or thrown out entirely

Democrats bussed non-US citizen voters, many of whom could not speak English, from state to state to vote for Obama

The RNLA reported “election fraud occurred in Flushing [NY] when a Korean-American translator helping voters at PS 20 was caught directing them to vote for Democratic candidates. A volunteer poll watcher confirmed the incident” and in North Carolina

Et cetera, ad nauseam. Some of the most conspicuous fraud occurred in the definitive swing states, Ohio and Florida.

Hat Tip

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