Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ambassador Stevens Called for Help During Benghazi Attack …(But Obama Did Nothing)

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) told Greta Van Susteren on Wednesday that Ambassador Chris Stevens called for help when the consulate came under attack on 9-11. The ambassador made calls to the Deputy Chief of Mission Gregory Hicks in Tripoli. Chaffetz talked about this tonight On the Record,

“He said shortly after 9:40 PM what happened is his phone rang and he didn’t recognize the number so he didn’t answer it. And then it rang again and again he didn’t answer it because he didn’t recognize the number. But then given the persistence he did answer it. It was Ambassador Stevens and Ambassador Stevens was saying we’re under attack. Now I can’t say he told me specifically but that’s kind of what I read into it. he hung up the phone and immediately called into Washington DC to trigger all the mechanisms that need to be put on. And then he wasn’t able to contact him. And there were hours and hours that we didn’t know where our ambassador was.”

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