
Thursday, August 9, 2012

What are the chances that two of America's most volatile issues -- gun control and the ongoing banking and mortgage crisis and scandal could be countenanced by a single family?"

"Most important to note about James Holmes, however, this report says, is that his father, Robert Holmes, was said to have been scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on the largest bank fraud scandal in world history that is currently unfolding and threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system. Robert Holmes, whose “blueblood” family links go back to the Mayflower, is known throughout the global banking community as being the creator of one of the most sophisticated computer algorithms ever developed and is credited with developing predictive models for financial services; credit and fraud risk models, first and third party application fraud models and internet/online banking fraud models.
Educated at the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University, Robert Holmes is currently the senior lead scientist with the American credit score company FICO, which was formally known as Fair, Isaac and Company, and which every American citizen is beholden to should they need to borrow money."

The truth maybe stranger than fiction, as we look at the stories that surround the main story of a so called brainwashed lone nut James Holmes who opens fire at a movie theater in Aurora Colorado and his connections to both neuroscience and ‘Super soldier’ or ‘Peak Soldier performance’ experiments and a father that works for a software company that analyses fraud for business. According to his LinkedIn profile.....
James Holmes’s father, Dr. Robert Holmes, who received a PhD in Statistics in 1981 from the University of California at Berkeley, worked for San Diego-based HNC Software, Inc. from 2000 to 2002. HNC, known as a “neural network” company, and DARPA, beginning in 1998, have worked on developing “cortronic neural networks,” which would allow machines to interpret aural and visual stimuli to think like humans.

The cortronic concept was developed by HNC Software’s chief scientist and co-founder, Robert Hecht-Nielsen. HNC merged with the Minneapolis-based Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), a computer analysis and decision-making company. Robert Holmes continues to work at FICO. Robert Holmes brief bio at linked in states the following:

“My educational background is in Mathematics and Statistics. My experience over the last 10 years at HNC and FICO has been in developing predictive models for financial services; credit & fraud risk models, first and third party application fraud models and internet/online banking fraud models.”

Management Experience: I am currently managing a team building Falcon Fraud Manager Credit card fraud models. I have also managed teams in the Telco and Identity Theft fraud areas.”

How interesting and coincidental is it that in the film The Dark Knight Rises Bane gets his hands on Software that is used to expose the fraud in Wall Street and literally guts the rich? Robert Holmes is said to have developed computer algorithms that demonstrate predictive models for financial services; credit and fraud risk models, first and third party application fraud models and internet/online banking fraud models. It is just too coincidental to not be eerily synchronistic. This software has been said to be able trace the Trillions of Dollars that have just vaporized into thin air. All of the spending in theory could be traced to the exact bank accounts of the elite thugs who have stolen it.

Now these Software insiders who may have information to nail corrupt officials have always wound up being fingered by intelligence agencies and many have died mysteriously. Several years ago a system of software was developed called PROMIS, by a company called INSLAW. This was criminal tracking software that was used by the Defense Dept. and other agencies after they stole it from the maker and forced him into Bankruptcy and Jail, where he remains today. Danny Cassalero was murdered investigating this case shortly after he came up with an “Octopus” conspiracy theory of how things operated in the highest circles.

This software has been slightly modified by the CIA and secretly “slipped” into banking software that was exported out of our country for use by foreign and offshore banks. The software was modified to track banking transactions instead and the information about the flow of finances throughout the world was now being monitored by the CIA or at least a few agents who wanted to find out where the money was going. After this rogue CIA group got a hold of the information they then photocopied it and had it hand delivered to each particular congressman, senator or politician along with a note explaining to them that they no longer had their bribe fund and they had 24 hours to turn in their resignation or face public scandal, humiliation and possible criminal charges if they refused.

Just prior to the shooting in Aurora Colorado, where James Holmes the son of Robert Holmes the software developer allegedly killed 12 and injured over 50 others a scandalous report was issued in the United kingdom about the LIBOR scandal where it has been discovered that much of the wealth held by the so called 99 percent is being held in offshore accounts far away from the taxman and that there is software that is now being used to track and expose those who are abusing the system.

Makes you wonder if this is part of the PROMIS/INSLAW software or a modified version that is far more accurate and that the future is the exposure of criminal activity that would send the world into global civil unrest. Could it be that Robert Holmes was involved with the creation of such software models and that his son was programmed to kill in order to create a distraction from the fraud scandal that would rock the world?

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