
Thursday, August 9, 2012

'Joker' James Holmes and Univ of Colorado ID Photo Not Same Person
Proof "Joker" James Holmes and University of Colorado ID Photo Not Same Person
By Kris Zane
The morning after the Colorado Massacre, the University of Colorado released James Holmes' college ID photo and the country joined in an Orwellian "Two-minutes hate" for the man who had mowed down twelve innocents and wounded dozens more.

Despite the fact that witnesses state Holmes didn't act alone; despite the fact that police were searching the adjacent Aurora Mall for several hours looking for a second shooter, the police chief the next day blandly told the country Holmes acted alone.

America, like good little sheep went back to their sit-coms and video games waiting for the next installment.

For days, authorities refused to give any information about Holmes or release his mug shot. The only information we got was leaked from Holmes' jailers, who identified his as "the Joker," as Holmes apparently saw himself as the Joker character in the previous Batman movie.

The authorities finally released Holmes' mug shot and America was shocked at the orange-haired monstrosity, but glad that it fit with the Orwellian Emmanuel Goldstein, arch-fiend of Oceania.


Something was very odd.

The University of Colorado photo and mugshot photo looked oddly different.

Mainstream media: "Faces change over time!"

Noses, too?

Eye color?

Either James Holmes had a nose job or they were two different people.

While it is difficult to tell whether Holmes' eye color in the college ID photo is dark brown or black, it certainly isn't hazel.

On August 9, the authorities deigned to dribble out another piece of information, releasing Holmes' booking report, in which the eye color is clearly listed as hazel. A color obviously not that of the ID photo.

What exactly the government is trying to pull is not clear.

Of course the mainstream media's response is that all of us "right-wing" conservatives are crazy.

They said the same thing about Obama's badly forged birth certificate.

They said the same thing about Obama's amateurishly forged Selective Service form.

I suppose tens of millions of people are crazy.

Of course the other alternative is that we have an abjectly corrupt government and mainstream media.


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