
Monday, February 17, 2014

Kathleen Willey: 'Hillary is the war on women'

Kathleen Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who says she was sexually harassed the president in the 1990s, is now sounding the alarm about the potential danger of Hillary Clinton becoming president.

“Hillary Clinton is the war on women, and that’s what needs to be exposed here,” Willey said Sunday night on Aaron Klein’s WABC Radio show.

“The point is what this woman is capable of doing to other women while she’s running a campaign basically on women’s issues. It just doesn’t make any sense. She singlehandedly orchestrated every one of the investigations of all these women [who accused her husband of sexual crimes]. They’re the people reminding us of how sordid this all is.”

Part 1 of Klein’s interview with Kathleen Willey

Willey continued to rail against both Bill and Hillary Clinton, saying, “They take up all the oxygen in the room, and everybody is depressed. We’re gonna go back to all the sordid details [if Hillary runs for president]. They need to just go away because they’re forcing themselves on us is the way I feel. Just pack your bags. You’ve had your 15 minutes. … Stop forcing us to have to look at this stuff again. We’re sick of it!”

Willey stressed it was not herself who was the one responsible for dredging up old dirt.

“They’re the ones that are reminding us of all that behavior. Not me! They’re the ones.”

Part 2 of Klein’s interview with Kathleen Willey

And Willey also lashed into feminist organizations who never seem interested in the harassment against her by the Clintons.

“All of these women’s groups, they’re all pro-Hillary, they need to … talk to someone like me and listen here, what Hillary Clinton has done to me and many, many, many other women. They are so hypocritical, it’s unbelievable. And this is the woman that wants to be president.”


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