
Friday, February 21, 2014

Four Senators demand FBI answer for indictment of Dinesh D’Souza

Four United States Senators have a written a letter to FBI director James Comey about the indictment of author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza. Senators Charles Grassley, ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee are the four senators, all Republicans, to have signed the letter.

The letter quotes Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz as saying, “I can’t help but think that [D'Souza's] politics have something to do with it. … It smacks of selective prosecution.”

And, the senators write, “To dispel this sort of public perception that Mr. D’Souza may have been targeted because of his outspoken criticisms of the President, it is important for the FBI to be transparent regarding the precise origin of this investigation.”

The senators provide a dozen direct questions for the FBI director to answer. “To explain the details of these routine reviews and provide context to those who may be skeptical of the origins of this investigation, please provide answers to the following questions regarding FBI’s regular review of campaign files:

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