
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Israel vs. Iran "The coming showdown!"

This video is from 2012 and applies even more today. Iran, North Korea, China and Russia are all working together and sharing warfare technology to defeat not only the Israel but the USA. Watch this telling video showing their intentions and plans.

Despite all of our technology their are only two types of warfare SIEGE or STORM.  SIEGE! Sanctions on another Country is an act of war, the intention is "to harm the other country economically" starve them and bring them to their knees by isolation.   Bombs or STORM is the next and final rung on the ladder of diplomacy it not just to push and enforce the sanctions further but used to "BREAK" the sanctions.  Whether you accept it or not we are in the SIEGE state of war and IRAN is stalling and buying time until it has the weapons to break the SIEGE by STORM.  We are at WAR with IRAN expect them to retaliate at a time of their choosing, if we don't break them first.

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