
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Black Panthers Reveal That George Zimmerman Is a “No Good Jew”

New Black Panthers Reveal That George Zimmerman Is a “No Good Jew”

Apparently the demagogues who made a racial issue out of the Trayvon Martin shooting didn’t realize that George Zimmerman is Hispanic and therefore a member of a semi-protected class that is ostensibly part of the Left’s rainbow coalition. New Black Panther types must have heard his German-sounding name and assumed him to be a Jew — the worst kind of Whitey. Being exceedingly slow learners, they are still assuming it:
Hopefully there isn’t much profanity. I could only endure the first 2 minutes.
These malign morons have more juice in Washington than normal Americans do.
On tips from Hillman and Wingmann. Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs.

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