
Friday, April 5, 2013

“International Topless Jihad Day.”

Then they were attacked

At the Grand Mosque in Paris a security guard kicked one of the protesters after the naked feminists torched a made-up Salafist flag.

AFP blog reported:

This week, the Grand Mosque of Paris was on their hit list. The AFP photo above circulated widely on the Internet, generating a lot of ‘shares’ and comments on AFP’s French-language Facebook page. Until, that is, Facebook yanked it.

“Per usual, Femen let us know what was going to happen,” explained AFP photographer Fred Dufour, who took the shot in Paris. “A small car pulled up and three women – breasts exposed, faces covered with veils – jumped out and ran toward the mosque. Two security guards posted at the entrance moved to intercept them, yelling at them to go away.”

The Femen protesters, seeking to “denounce religious extremism,” unfurled a made-up ‘Salafist’ flag, which they doused with alcohol and set ablaze. One of the agents tried to stop them, while another hurled a plastic water bottle and a cardboard crate.

“Then, looking through the viewfinder, I could see that the second security guard was preparing to kick one of women in the rear end,” he recalled. “During the entire episode – which didn’t last more than three minutes – the women didn’t say a word. At the end, they ripped off their face veils, jumped back in the car and sped away as quickly as they had come.”

The protesters in Europe chanted: “Our Boobs Are Stronger Than Their Stones”

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