
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Obama's OFA Cyber Patrol Robots

The OFA Cyber patrol is so obvious to recognize in not only pissing their offensive language onto your twitter feed but the fact that they don't have an avatar (picture) but only an egg, then of course the fact that hardly anyone is following them, other than other eggs.

You'll notice that Scott was so motivated by my blog post: What Sequester? Bo the Obama Dog Keeps His Motorcade that "he" opened an account just to tweet this to me:
This tweet is forever archived on the web for eternity as a reflection of me and my followers on Twitter.

This is how it is done and Obama's OFA is employing thousands of these unemployed college students and "community agitators" activists to troll the blogshpere and twitterverse and soil the reputations of true Patriots.  This tactic is so prevalent that it is estimated that 2/3 of the tweets to congress in favor of stricter gun control were generated by these bots and fake accounts.

Now the rookie Scott:  The ego of the web begs for followers and this punk having the brain power of a slug and opsec discipline of puppy loose in the butchers shop makes identifying the deceiver so much easier.  I invite you to check out the above profile and click through the following and followers.  The pattern could not be any more obvious and this creator anymore of a troglodyte    After a few clicks it is easy to find the circle of friends and decipher the fake posters identity and city.

Does the ends justify the means then maybe a counter Pysops is in order? A little work and we could send flowers signed by a porn star to Scott's house for DAD.  I like options.

I've already won.

A note not needed to be said but as a clarifying statement. The TWEET Above is language and thoughts I would never use nor imply.  I am not racist as that would imply I hate a race....I hate all liberals equally and that covers such a wide of a spectrum of INDIVIDUALS for me ever to be limited.  I like options.

While I can monitor and control what is posted on my sites and pages, I have no control of what is said to me or about me and used to smear me and other visitors to my site posted elsewhere.  All that I can do is expose them for you to see.  Here is just one example of what is and has been going on all across, the internet, the media and in politics (this is not my first attack).

BULLIES are driving the discussions paid for and organized by the man that has had only one job as a POLITICAL AGITATOR and despite sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania ave, nothing has changed since they ACORN days;  He is still not a leader but still an effective agitator....only NOW with the tools and budget that idiots like above have handed to him and taken from us..

These are very dangerous times like and not like any other time in history. I like options.

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