NYT Report Says Obama Personally Approved Assassination Of 17-Year-Old American Citizen
According to the administration the reason he was assassinated was because “He should have had a better father,” not because he was a member of al-Qaeda.
WASHINGTON (May 29, 2012) — This was the enemy, served up in the latest chart from the intelligence agencies: 15 Qaeda suspects in Yemen with Western ties. The mug shots and brief biographies resembled a high school yearbook layout. Several were Americans. Two were teenagers, including a girl who looked even younger than her 17 years.
Media Confirms Barack Obama Called For Drone Bombing of 16 Year-Old Denver Boy
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Barack Obama dropped a bomb on his head. |
…Mr. Obama is the liberal law professor who campaigned against the Iraq war and torture, and then insisted on approving every new name on an expanding “kill list,” poring over terrorist suspects’ biographies on what one official calls the macabre “baseball cards” of an unconventional war. When a rare opportunity for a drone strike at a top terrorist arises — but his family is with him — it is the president who has reserved to himself the final moral calculation.
Seven months before the New York Times report, Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, a 16-year-old American citizen from Denver, was killed in a drone strike in Yemen. Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi was the son of terrorist Anwar al-Aulaqi. He did not have a trial. He was never waterboarded. He was sixteen.
Obama Drone Policy Means You Can Kill a Terrorist You Just Can’t Waterboard Him
Iran’s Supreme Leader Rejects Biden Offer For Talks, Threatens US
The Ayatollah Khamenei rebuffed Joe Biden’s request for peace talks today and slammed US policy in the region.
The Iranian Fars News Agency reported:
“Bringing the revolutionary and popular Islamic Republic to the negotiating table is the American’s winning ace as they want to tell the world that they have goodwill; but no one sees any goodwill (in the Americans),” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
There are three primary credit rating agencies in the United States – Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s, and the Fitch Group. All of these rating agencies failed to properly assess the dangers of bundled assets that would ultimately create the foundation for the severe economic downturn of 2007 and the Great Recession of 2008 and beyond. Only one credit agency though has since downgraded the federal government’s credit rating since then – due in great part to the shockingly irresponsible deficit spending of the Obama administration. And now, only one credit rating company is being sued by the same Obama administration for $5 billion dollars.
My problem is not that the government is suing S&P. My problem is that it is notsuing Moody’s and Fitch.
Because you see, happens that, of the three credit rating agencies, ONLY S&P INJECTED A NOTE OF HONESTLY INTO GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING by downgrading the federal government’s credit rating last year.
Virginia moves closer to creating state’s own currency
The idea that Virginia should consider issuing its own money was dismissed as just another quixotic quest by one of the most conservative members of the state legislature when [Virginia Del. Robert G.] Marshall introduced it three years ago. But it has since gained traction not only in Virginia, but also in states across the country as Americans have grown increasingly suspicious of the institutions entrusted with safeguarding the economy.
Government Eyes our 401(k) IRA? The Cold War With Union Pensions
Trying to find sound information on whether or not the U.S. Government wants to manage your private 401(k) and IRA accounts has not been easy to verify. I heard Eric Bolling and Gerri Willis talking about it today with Bolling sitting in for Neal Cavuto – so decided to see what’s new in the Cold War between the U.S. Private Sector and Union Pensions. The government’s story is that they want retirees better protected. Those paying attention see the 401(k) and IRA grab as a way to bail out public sector union pensions.
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