
Monday, January 28, 2013

Lame Cherry-Obama's Illegal Entry: Operation Aztec

This is a repost from the Lame Cherry Blog which I will hold for prosperity.

Obama's Illegal Entry: Operation Aztec

As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive or exclusives........

There is in the Obama Ledger an operation dovetailed into the Sandy Hook Ultra II operation which is scheduled to take place in the voting down the Feinstein gun control vote.

It is termed Operation Aztec. Margin notes began this questioning the feasibility of creating a mass slaying of illegals in Texas in order to humiliate the Republicans there in order to push for illegal legality, but was deemed not feasible.

What was engaged since was bringing Mexican Senora Sotomeyer out of the cave to start a conditioning process based upon a broadcast network story of a latino who fought the system to not have her family deported.
This is the key element in this for "dead baby sympathy" in what has transpired.

Operation Aztec is keyed upon a California entry point, in which the Border Patrol and INS is going to apprehend a specific mule shipment of illegals, namely women and children in the Sandy Hooker numbers.
They will be attractive and feeds are running from Mexico to a Latin American nation. These victims are connected to the opposition and have been threatened to the point that the process has started to move them to join family here via a religious route.

They will be safeguarded on the route and crossed over into California, even though elements still desired Texas, but Texas will not create the desired "New York effect" that Cuomo generated for Sandy Hook.

This group of "attractives" will be photographed and provided minor "buzz" with nothing reaching the regime, except in "attempts" to become involved in the paperwork in order to keep them being deported as their return would mean their certain death as political enemies of this state.
Peppering is being established in Mexican returnees in "political assassinations" to spread this as a "quoted" backdrop to negate Obama and Holder's Gun Runner. There is balance in this as the underground media will call up Gun Runner, but the Mockingbird blast will be thought enough coupled with the "attractives" to keep the puppy press focusing the mobs mind on what transpired.

Aztec is designed to involve a mass rape and murder of these attractives on their return. The photos will be released with blood and flies. Narrations in Spanish will be fed to Univision to start the attention as English speakers will be curious over the mass death of pretty people and it all hidden in Spanish.
Something was recorded in ginning this up on YouTube like the fake Muslim file for ANALGATE.

The talking points of Mockingbird will generate as Sandy Hook a conspiracy "things do not match" to keep the fringe chattering about things, like wrong identies on bodies and connections to the elite.

At this point, Chuck Schumer will unleash his "Feinstein" illegal rights legislation banning all deportation of illegals and garnering them immediate rights as Americans.
This is the California clause in the Ledger in like New York, a pre written law will be rammed through and signed by Jerry Brown affording American rights to all illegals

Feinstein and Schumer will join in this co federal overthrow of American rights, as this is promoted by Obama "the likeable guy".

Something in the psyops margins discuss Obama with an "attractive" between his legs as at Sandy Hook in order to gin the conspiracy chatter, in a supposed dead girl in central America is alive for an Obama photo op at a California location.

As a further Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.........

This operation is designed in everyone is supposed to focus on Obama executive orders as is the bait in this, along with Feinstein and then Schumer, with key GOP traitors. That is the slight of hand, but the real protocol in this is happening before the public and they do not have the game figured out yet.

It is the New York law that is the juggernaut in this. Remember full that this blog  exposed that Chief Justice John Roberts was flipped on Obamacare through blackmail concerning those purchased Nazi latinos he adopted? This blog has alone been stating the scenario is, that as Obamacare, John Roberts is the treacherous vote which is going to make all crimes Obama as the law of the land.
Obama has told you that he does not need Congress and will act. His slight of hand is executive orders he knows the appeals courts will shut down. Eric Holder already has this gun control fast tracked along with the illegals legalized, directly to the Supreme Court.

John Roberts is going to be the 5 to 4 vote making certain that New York's overthrow of the Second Amendment and the California legalization of legals as full American citizens will be the  law of America, which will never be overturned.

This is the Obama second term overthrow of America. It is in the Ledger and the coming operation is the one which binds all of this together.

Aztec is the first trimester operation, before Obama brings a refocus onto the Middle East for his legacy thing involving Iran. Obama has flipped the Israeli elections enough for that broadcaster pretty boy liberal to bring Netanyahu to partition. Syria is in the works and the stepping point is Iran, with a sanctioned terror event in the protocols in New York.


nuff said

agtG 269

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