
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Benghazi was Obama’s intended October Surprise

The Benghazi Attack was Obama’s plan to allow the Muslim Brotherhood to kidnap US Ambassador Stevens. Then Obama would trade a blind Sheik held by America for Stevens, and look “Presidential.”

Obama refused to allow US troops to stop the attack because this would have interferred with his plan.  But 2 US Seals who were nearby heard the attack and ran to defend the Embassy. They both died but their interferrence caused Obama’s October Surprise to fail and may cost Obama the election.  - Ed

by Kris Zane, Western Journalism Center

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, and an army of Obama surrogates conducted a media blitz blaming this obscure video no one had seen for the entire Middle East exploding on 9/11, including a “protest turned violent” at the Libyan consulate that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

We later learned that there was no protest.

We later learned that intelligence on the ground linked it to a terrorist group within twenty-four hours.

We later learned that the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi, was behind the attack.

We now know it was not initially an attack, but an attempted kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens to use him as a pawn to get their beloved Blind Sheik back.

What is most shocking, however, is that a source within the White House states that it was arranged as an October surprise by Barack Obama. Obama, in order to make the release of the Blind Sheik more palatable to the American people, and to boost his sagging approval ratings, arranged with the Muslim Brotherhood to kidnap Ambassador Stevens. Then, days before the election, acting the part of the hero, planned to release the Blind Sheik in exchange for Ambassador Stevens.
The plan was for security to be minimal at the consulate, protected by only Libyan security guards who would melt away into the night at the appointed time.

The plan fell apart as two former SEALs, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, fought the kidnappers, leading to a firefight and subsequent fire, killing Stevens, Woods, Doherty, and also Sean Smith, a communications specialist.

Obama then had to create a cover-up so massive that it will go down in the history books until the end of time.

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