Monday, November 5, 2012

Video: Sea otter jumps on a boat to avoid getting eaten by killer whales

Video: Sea otter jumps on a boat to avoid getting eaten by killer whales

Unfortunately, nature is neither fair, nor kind to all.

In Tutka Bay, Alaska, a momma sea otter saved herself from a group of hungry killer whales by jumping onto a boat. Her baby was not as lucky. When the boat owner radioed another boater in the area about what just happened, he was skeptical, saying, “Of course, you didnt get pictures.” The response: “No, I took video.” Indeed, Joe Millers friend took video of the incident and Miller posted it on YouTube. We pick it up at 1:30 as the mother looks for her baby who we never actually see, as well as for a way out of her dicey predicament. The ending is absolutely heartbreaking:

Hat Tip-

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