
Thursday, September 20, 2012

White House Staffers Enjoyed Prostitutes

It is believed two White House staffers may have enjoyed prostitutes in Cartagena, Colombia the same night as the Secret Service, one of them at the Hilton where Obama was staying. Colombia is still one of the most dangerous places on the planet for kidnappings, and while they have made great strides in quelling drug trafficking, the problem remains daunting. I can see that a blackmailed Secret Service agent, or member of the Military might be able to take care of a blackmail threat, but the little peons swishing down the Obama White House hallways? Doubtful.

According to The Daily Mail (see several of the girls here), the woman in the photo above, Dania Suarez is the government hired prostitute who brought attention to the fact that she was there, with a Secret Service agent, who wanted to pay her only $28 rather than the “standard” $800.

ox News is saying a “congressional source” and a “high-ranking Secret Service” source have said two White House staffers on Obama’s advance team “had prostitutes overnight,” the same evening 13 members of the Secret Service, 7 Army soldiers, two Marines and 2 DEA agents did the same. The White House spin room went into action immediately and emphatically declared no one from inside the White House had hired prostitutes.

The Inspector General Report is just coming out, at least two months late and the “congressional source” believes the White House might have tampered with it.

Fox News

While much of the attention in the case has focused on the actions of Secret Service personnel, multiple law enforcement and congressional sources tell that investigators also discovered two White House advance team members checked in prostitutes as overnight guests at a Cartagena hotel in the days before President Obama’s April 13 visit.

“Three U.S. delegation members that stayed at the Hilton brought prostitutes back as overnight guests. One of them was ours (Secret Service) and the other two were White House staffers,” a high-ranking Secret Service official told “We knew very early that White House staffers were involved.”
Twelve of the 13 agents investigated for alleged misconduct in Cartagena stayed at another hotel, the El Caribe. Only one of those charged with misconduct had a room at the Hilton, where President Obama and the White House advance team also stayed. Understand that you and I, as taxpayers funded these escapades.


The initial report is more than two months overdue, fueling speculation that it is being withheld–or possibly altered–to protect Obama administration staff…

No answers have yet been received about the publication of the Inspector General’s report, or what may have happened to the report along the way between the draft and final stages to delay its publication by so long.

“Have any changes been made to the report in response to comments received from the Secret Service or the Department?” Collins and Lieberman ask in their letter to the Inspector General, dated Sep. 14.

Monica Lewinsky could have been hired by anyone. Bill Clinton jeopardized security but it was “just sex,” according to Liberal media. No telling what Monica knows, but she is shopping a tell-all book. Between Benghazi and Lewinsky, maybe Hillary’s presidential aspirations are dead, done and gone.

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