
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Top 10 documents Obama needs to release Now!

As the Obama campaign and the media continue to press Mitt Romney to release more of his tax returns, and to suggest — without a shred of evidence — that he is a “felon,” it is worth noting how much critical information Barack Obama has withheld from view — both as a candidate in 2008, and during his term in office. Here is a Breitbart News top ten list of things that Obama has refused to release (a complete list would fill volumes):

10. State senate papers. ...
9. Academic transcripts. ...
8. Book proposal. ...
7. Medical records. ...
6. Small-dollar donors. ...
5. The Khalidi tape. ...
4. The real White House guest list. ...
3. Countless FOIA requests. ...
2. Health reform negotiations. ...
1. Fast and Furious documents.

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