
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Iranian Revolutionary Guard has 2 nuclear capable warheads

According to reports from Iran, two missile warheads with nuclear capability have been delivered to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Based on reports received by the Green Experts of Iran, the range of the missiles, produced by the Ministry of Defense Industries, has also been boosted and can now travel a distance of 2,000 miles. Simultaneously, a joint military-industrial project with Iran, Pakistan, China and the Ukraine has begun to produce nuclear warheads, including the first manufactured nuclear-capable warheads. These are now in the possession of the Revolutionary Guards.

The Ukrainians provided the design for the warheads, while the Chinese and Pakistanis delivered the technology, machining and tooling. The Iranian Ministry of Defense coordinated the interface with all three.

Recently, the U.S. warned the Pakistani government that further cooperation with the Iranian nuclear industries would result in various members of the Pakistani political and military ranks being added to the list of the internationally sanctioned. The U.S. has previously sanctioned several companies from China and the Ukraine for providing material aid to the weapons of mass destruction program in Iran. Also, reports from last October revealed that the Obama administration concluded that Chinese firms were helping Iran with the improvement of its missile technology and the development of nuclear weapons, and asked China to stop such activity.

Reports from the Iranian Green experts indicate that the technical and laboratory departments of the Amir Kabir and Shaheed Beheshti Universities in Iran also participated in this collaborative effort. According to the agreement between the Revolutionary Guards and the Ministry of Defense, eight more nuclear warheads will be produced and delivered to the IRGC within the next ten months. A number of the missiles have also been developed in cooperation between the defense industries and the Esfahan Industrial University.

The same report pointed out that the missiles are directed toward several potential and pre-designated targets, among them: U.S. military bases in the Middle East and in Europe, such as the ones in Hungary and Italy.

It is also stated that the nuclear and military industries in Iran are scheduled to weaponize at least two of the warheads with a nuclear payload no later than March, 2012.

Other sources in Iran also verified the delivery of the warheads. On February 17th of this year when Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, the Chief Commander of the Guards, promised the Guards forces that “in the near future we will witness the ‘miraculous project,’ which will shock the world,” he was indeed referring to the fact that the Revolutionary Guards will be armed with nuclear weapons. This has been authorized by Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Last year I disclosed that Iran had obtained missiles capable of reaching capitals in Western Europe. Several months later, WikiLeaks releases about Iran revealed that the Revolutionary Guards had obtained a cache of advanced missiles from North Korea capable of carrying nuclear warheads. With a range of 2000 miles, they give Iran the capacity to strike the capitals of Western Europe and can easily reach Moscow.

The Guards have now successfully expanded their missile program and its reach to 2,000 miles or 3,200 kilometers. They accomplished this using reverse engineering on the North Korean missiles — the same process the Guards used to produce cruise missiles when the Ukraine illegally sold them their Kh-55 cruise missiles, said to have a range of up to 3000 kilometers and capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

The Revolutionary Guards have had a long standing relationship on the nuclear front with Pakistan. Back in the mid-80s, the Guards tried to buy a nuclear bomb for billions of dollars from the Pakistanis but ended up with a blueprint and centrifuges instead.

China also has been involved in Iran’s missile delivery industry and nuclear bomb project on two fronts: one, acting as a back channel for Iran and North Korea in their collaboration on ballistic and intercontinental missiles and; two, by providing material needed to build those missiles and further the advancement of nuclear weaponization.

Just two months ago, the Malaysian police confiscated the cargo from a Malaysian-registered ship traveling from China to Tehran with equipment they suspected could be used to make nuclear weapons.

In the past, the Guards encountered problems with the design of a warhead with a reentry vehicle that could successfully carry a nuclear payload. They tried for years using the North Korean No Dong warhead design, with little success. But it now appears that with the collaboration with China, Pakistan and the Ukraine, they have overcome those difficulties and are now in possession of the warheads. They are now ready to arm them with nuclear payloads.

For years I have worked very hard to bring awareness to Western leaders that the Iranian regime is determined to acquire a nuclear bomb. This is a messianic regime that truly believes it is their duty to Allah to destroy Israel and America. They believe it is their calling to bring about and to create the needed circumstances for the reappearance of the last Islamic Messiah. Negotiations and sanctions won’t work; Appeasement won’t work.

In my book, “A Time to Betray,” I have clearly shown what the fanatics in Iran believe and that humanity is on the brink of destruction of unimaginable proportions.

In their secret documentary, “The Coming is Upon Us,” which I revealed recently, they tell us in their own words that The End is near. Unless we realize this danger and take immediate action, we will suffer the consequences.

The evil is real and the time to act is passing us by!

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