Sunday, July 28, 2013

NEW Benghazi Hero Survivor provides gripping details for first time

While many members of Congress continue to be denied access to survivors of the Sept. 11 attack on our foreign mission in Benghazi, Fox News was able to secure an on-camera interview with one of them — a witness to both waves of attack.

Diplomatic Security agent David Ubben, who fought alongside both former Navy SEALs who lost their lives, was himself severely wounded in the 8-hour ordeal, nearly lost his right leg after it was shredded from a mortar round. He’s still being treated at Walter Reed medical center where he was interviewed by Fox News.

During the first wave of the attack, Ubben battled the smoke and flames of the consulate multiple times to get people out — alive or dead. In doing so, he was unable to locate Amb. Chris Stevens, but managed to retrieve the body of foreign service officer Sean Smith.

Sean Smith’s mother Pat said she hopes to meet Ubben in person some day.

“Thank you very much for what you’ve done,” Pat Smith said. ”Why couldn’t the government have done the same thing? I think (Ubben) is a hero. He absolutely is a hero along with the two SEALs that got it. There’s no reason for all these people to die.”

During the ordeal’s second wave, Ubben fought alongside former SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty on the roof of the security annex where the other two lost their lives and Ubben nearly lost a leg. Ubben remained on the roof for 20 hours before medical help finally arrived.

During those 20 desperate hours, the president slept, then awoke and addressed the nation in the Rose Garden where he attributed the tragedy to a protest against a YouTube video, He then hopped aboard Air Force-One to meet Jay-Z and Beyonce at a Las Vegas fundraiser.

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