Wednesday, January 30, 2013

America Unraveled: The War on Charities

Seattle City Council Stops Church Group From Feeding Homeless

“Four legs bad, two legs good.”  Charity bad, dependency good.  What we all need is just a little more governmental control, even in simple acts of human kindness.

Charities fear new tax rules’ effect on giving

Charities and nonprofit organizations are worried that new limits on tax deductions for high earners will hurt donations just as charitable giving is starting to rebound from the depths of the recession.

Some charities may lose funding

Throughout 2012, the worst-case scenario envisioned that Congress would impose an absolute limit on all deductions for taxpayers, in certain income brackets, who often make charitable gifts and use the income-tax deductions.

Fiscal cliff law brings mixed news to charitable organizations

Charities amount to a $1.4 trillion economic sector employing one of every 10 workers nationwide

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