Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Brody File Exclusive Obama Video: Calls Fetus a 'Potential Life'

A new video has surfaced and The Brody File has the exclusive. It shows Barack Obama talking about how the human fetus is a, “potential life.” (As opposed to an actual life.)

He also goes on to say that the viability of that “potential life” is a “moving target.” He made these comments in 2004 at a small business event in Springfield, Ill.

in the video Obama says how “a fetus is not just a collection of cells.” Well, if that’s the case, then it raises the question of why Barack Obama would come out AGAINST the 2007 Supreme Court ruling that upheld partial birth abortion. If you think there is some “potential life” growing inside a woman, then wouldn’t you be against partial birth abortion?

More here-Brody File

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