Thursday, January 13, 2011

Krauthammer on debating Palin’s use of ‘blood libel’: ‘Have we completely lost our minds?’ | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Krauthammer on debating Palin’s use of ‘blood libel’: ‘Have we completely lost our minds?’ The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

It has been over four days since a shooting in Tucson that claimed six lives and injured 14, including Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. However, one of the dominating themes of the day is a debate over former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s response.
On Fox News Channel’s Wednesday broadcast of “Special Report with Bret Baier,” syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer questioned the sanity of this debate, which involved Palin accusing “journalists and pundits” of manufacturing “a blood libel.”
“[T]he fact is that even the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League in expressing a mild rebuke to Palin for using this admitted itself in its statement that the term ‘blood libel’ has become part of English parlance to refer to someone falsely accused,” Krauthammer said. “Let’s step back for a second. Here we have a brilliant, intelligent, articulate, beautiful, wife, mother and congresswoman fighting for her life, in a hospital in Tucson, and we’re having a national debate over whether the term ‘blood libel’ can be used appropriately in a non-Jewish context? Have we completely lost our minds?”
But he also questioned the wisdom of Palin using her celebrity to spark this debate. He argued by the time she released the video, it was a moot point.
“I found her speech unobjectionable, unremarkable but unnecessary,” he said.  “Of course, anybody who is attacked as she was has the right to defend herself in public. However, it wasn’t as if others hadn’t counteracted the calumny about her and others being responsible in some way for the massacre in Tucson. By the time she had the video on her website, the debate was over. The left, which had launched the accusation, had been completely defeated, ‘refudiated’ if you like, and disgraced over this. There wasn’t a shred of evidence and the battle was over. I mean, it was a rout to make the Pickett’s Charge look like a draw.”
To back up his theory, Krauthammer referred to a claim from a high school classmate of Loughner’s that he wasn’t interested in news, political speech or talk radio.
“Case closed – it’s over,” he continued. “It was unnecessary her speech because she then re-injected herself in this and made herself at the center of this. Restarted the debate and started the debate on the irrelevancy on the ‘blood libel.’ It was unfortunate, I think — and unnecessary.”

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